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2008 5th Edition (Other Editions)

Retirement Plan Questions

  1. How much income will you receive when you retire ?
    Age 60: _______ 62: _______ 65: _______ 67: _______
  2. How many years must you be in the retirement plan before you become vested (entitled to benefits even if you separate from the employer) ?
  3. What are the vesting provisions ?
  4. What are the provisions for voluntary early retirement ?
  5. Can you transfer credit to another employer's plan ?
  6. Is there a cost-of-living adjustment in the retirement benefits after you have retired ?
  7. Are there disability payments in addition to or instead of pension benefits ?
  8. What is the exact definition of disability that would qualify you to receive benefits ?
  9. What benefits are paid to survivors before retirement ?
  10. What are the survivors' benefits if you die after retirement ?
  11. What determines survivor eligibility to collect benefits ?
  12. Can you make additional contributions to the plan ?
  13. Are any portions of these additional contributions tax deductible or eligible for a reduction in taxable wages ?
  14. How are your additional contributions invested and what is the risk and anticipated rate of return ?
  15. What are the provisions for withdrawing additional contributions, if needed ?
  16. Can you direct the investment of your account into various investment accounts ?
  17. What are the investment accounts available ?